Timothy Watters

Hi! I'm Tim Watters, and I'm a game design and development enthusiast. I'm about to finish my bachelors degree in Animation and Game Design from Curtin University, and I'm ready to move on to bigger projects. Below you'll find an assortment of my personal projects, built using different engines such as the Unreal and Godot engines. I've also done some 3D work in Blender and in Maya. I also have some programming experience in Java, C#, and C++. And lastly I coded this website! So I'm familiar HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Coin Dash

I call this first project Coin Dash. It was created in Godot using GDScript.
To get started with this engine, I followed a course by Packt. The assets are not my own, being taken from Packt resources. Even though I began by following a course, the course was out of date with the current version of Godot at the time that I decided to embark on my journey. I also made variations to the original code in ways I believed improved the original gameplay. I had to develop fundemental game coding skills in this project.

coin dash menu screenshot from coin dash screenshot from coin dash

Jungle Jump

This next project is called Jungle Jump. This was also built in the Godot engine using GDScript.
This was also based on a project by Packt. As such, the assets are not my own. Similar to in Coin Dash I took the premise offered by the Packt tutorial and extended it. Trying to find creative uses for the different components created an interesting challenge that I enjoyed solving. This project taught me the basics of 2D physics required to make a platformer.

jungle jump menu screenshot from jungle jump screenshot from jungle jump screenshot from jungle jump

Space Rocks

Space Rocks was also built in Godot using GDScript.
This project was also based on the Godot project book from Packt that the pevious Godot projects were from. As such, the assets aren't mine. Moving on to more fun things though, I had a lot of fun with this project. I made sure to follow the book less closely with this one to try and practice the skills I'd picked up so far, but to also see how much I could figure out from subheadings. This project was very fun, and I learned a lot in 2D physics while developing this game.

space rocks menu space rocks menu space rocks menu

Marble Maze

Marble Maze was my first project built in Unreal. I used the Blueprint system to program it.
The system tilts the maze based on mouse movement and got me started with using physics in 3D space. The assets are default assets from the Unreal starter content.

screenshot from marble maze game screenshot from marble maze game screenshot from marble maze game

Marble Run

Marble Run was also made in Unreal using Blueprint.
The moving camera in the project allowed me to make more interesting choices in the level design. I could also improve my skills in the prototyping and rapid mockup of levels when using Unreal. It felt like this project did a lot to refine existing skills and practices from previous projects.

screenshot from marble maze game screenshot from marble maze game screenshot from marble maze game

2.5D Dungeon RPG

The Dungeon RPG was a 2.5D game demo built in the Godot engine using C#. The assets are not mine and are sourced from GameDev.TV, who's course I followed to make this project. My goal was to sharpen my C# knowledge and to make a larger scale of project than I had previously attempted, which I believe I succeeded in doing.

Screenshot from Dungeon RPG game. Screenshot from Dungeon RPG game. Screenshot from Dungeon RPG game.

13th Age 2e Playtest

My gaming interests spread to tabletop as well. Towards the end of 2022, I got the opportunity to participate in the playtest for the second edition of the TTRPG 13th Age. The format of the test was to email a specified email address with our feedback after running some test sessions.

13th age emblem

Tekken 8 CBT

I recently was one of the fortunate people who received a code to participate in the Tekken 8 Closed Beta Test. It ran from October 20th to October 23rd, and I had a great time. After three days of participating in the beta Bandai Namco sent out survey emails to collect peoples thought and experiences on the beta.